Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flowers for algernon?

is flowers for algernon a story, novel, what is it? can anyone help me out?

Flowers for algernon?
Both. There are two versions of it: short-story/novella length, and full novel.

The quick and easy way to tell the difference between the two: In the short story, Charlie's age is 37; in the novel, it's 32. In both versions, he says what his age is right at the beginning, so it doesn't take long at all to tell them apart.
Reply:I'd call it a novella too. Whatever you call it, it's one of my favorites. Writing it in the form of a journal was a stroke of sheer brilliance. It gave it a feeling of intimacy that made it more moving than any screen adaptation could ever be.
Reply:I's more of a "novella". I don't like them, since they get you too wrapped up (if they're good), but don't carry through, like a novel would. They're like brunch, instead of lunch or dinner!
Reply:Front cover says 'novel,' but I like to think of it more as a nouvella.
Reply:I believe novella is the right classification, but I could be wrong.
Reply:There is also a movie you can watch
Reply:it is a novel/nouvella

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