Monday, May 11, 2009

Help! Can someone help me with my english project about "Flowers for Algernon"?

How do Algernon's actions before he dies foreshadow what will happen to Charlie.

Help! Can someone help me with my english project about "Flowers for Algernon"?
He discovers both the advantages of intelligence and awareness, including his emotional relationship with his former teacher, Alice Kinnian; and the disadvantages, as he discovers that the people he thought were his friends had only viewed him as 'entertainment' and now resent his superior abilities. He feels isolated from those less intelligent than him, which due to his remarkable intellectual growth, is everyone he encounters.

All else seems to be well, until Algernon's enhanced intelligence begins to fade rapidly, and he becomes emotionally unstable, refusing to eat or participate in any more experiments. Algernon is soon found dead. After an autopsy, as Charlie himself confirms, the neural enhancement is only temporary, and he too is doomed to revert to his original mental state. He records his struggles to find a way to stop the decay until he realizes the futility of his situation. Charlie's writings gradually begin to reflect the recession of his intelligence. He becomes depressed when he realizes that he can no longer understand his own proof – the pinnacle of his genius phase. By the end of the story, Charlie's brain has returned to its initial state.

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