Monday, May 11, 2009

Flowers for algernon collage?

i am making a collage about flowers for algernon what thing could i use to represent the book?

Flowers for algernon collage?
A notebook with "journal" written incorrectly on it. His IQ at the beginning. a mouse. a maze. flowers. inkblots. just different objects that represent different parts of the story. A TV would work too. hope this helps.
Reply:Well, if it's a collage, you have to use a lot of things, right?

So here are some ideas-

a maze

a mouse

a journal

an operating table

a mop

and anyother symbolistic things mentioned in the book

Have fun and be creative with it! :)
Reply:To represent the book? I'd use a little notebook with 'Journal' in a messy, first grade written way, of course with backwards letters and such. :-)

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