Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why shouldn't the book "flowers from Algernon" be banned?

I love the book. Can someone give some ideas of why it shouldn't be banned?

Why shouldn't the book "flowers from Algernon" be banned?
I don't think that book has ever been banned, or if it has, it's been banned in a small area not known to many people.

If you live in an area where "Flowers for Algernon" (not "from" so watch out for that if you're writing on it)... you can find out from newspapers and/or the local public library why it may have been banned.

The newspapers will be at the public library (going back some time) so, with help from a reference librarian there, you'll see if and why this book may have been banned.

If you want to know why it should NOT be banned, you already "love" the book, and so should have plenty of ammunition to take with you to a PTA or church group or city group (ADD: or to school) who may have banned this in your area.

1.) There is no pornography

2.) There is no 'hot-topic' politics

3.) There is/are no 'magic, wizards, witches, gays, god-bashers, etc.'

4.) What is 'scientifically' done in the book to Charlie is something he is allowed to agree to or not

5.) When the 'experiment' is over, it's over

6.) Whoever is banning this book in your area ought to take some time to study what is already a done-deal in genetics these days; and to study who are subjects of studies, and why and what they stand to 'win' or 'lose.'

I'm way done.
Reply:Because it is an example of great literature, and I believe that it is one of the best books that I have ever read.

Personally, I can't stand censoring anyway, and I think that if it ever occurs to someone that ANY book should be banned (for instance, in a school environment) that they should have the PARENTS decide, NOT the school board.
Reply:Somebody is thinking about banning Flowers from Algernon we read that book just this year in my english class.It was a good ,excellent book and I don't know why someone would want to ban it?
Reply:Why was it banned in the first book? I read it for school just last year.
Reply:I don't recall it being banned and can't think of any reason why it would be.

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